The discipline of sales, through regular, targeted and prepared customer visits stands in the very heart of the concept on which Taktika CRM was built. That is where the sales manager becomes informed leader of such a process, enabled to manage his sales territories, calls efficiency and effectiveness of each visit. Optimization of the sales territory and variable priorities of sales calls by means of customer segmentations or focused campaigns, are just some of the levers that turn chaotic sales events into a disciplined process.


Within Taktika CRM, the medical representative is an active subject of the sales process. Innovative tools allow him to reach for the most appropriate presentation through mobile platforms, when he needs it most. Taktika CRM assists him in defining optimal routes, as well as reaching the most critical data to perform his job and recognize priorities. Taktika CRM empowers your rep to negotiate and trigger OTC orders right on the spot, and directly from wholesalers. When you add the capability of paperwork automation and contacts accuracy, the only things that our representative has to focus on, are sales calls and the value of the pharmaceutical portfolio he represents.


Taktika CRM analytical module is among our major successes. Our clients simply adore it. Flexible analysis over multiple dimensions, monitoring of visits, campaigns or sales results are just some of our analytical features. Powerful analytical engines also support territories definition and action plans. When you take into consideration automatic data load from wholesalers, and its correlation with the IMS, you will understand why we argue that bringing informed decisions is among our client’s most distinguished skills.


Taktika CRM is a comprehensive selling support solution, designed with the scope to enable focusing on the sales process that keeps clients’ and patients’ benefits in mind. Administration is among those things that distract us from the core of sales process. Our vision are sales managers and medical representatives who are free from pressure of daily administration. Therefore, we integrate Taktika CRM with wholesalers to support two – step mobile orders, with accurate product catalogues supporting multiple wholesaler’s taxonomies and calendars that automatically update HR systems, which trigger trip approval processes.

Ask for a demo. Contact us by e-mail or telephone.

Taktika provides two types of user interface: web interface and a mobile interface for Android. The web interface, with its responsive design, adapts to the client desktop size, while the Android native application supports offline mode so that it can be used during fieldwork and in areas with weak mobile Internet coverage.

The modules Sales Analyses and Visits are part of a business intelligence system, with graphic visualization of all data.

Taktika can be run on a cloud or on-premises.


Taktika CRM is a solution for a customer relationship management that is designed according to the needs and requirements of pharmaceutical companies. Medical representatives can manage their daily activities via smartphone or tablet using mobile CRM.

Customer relationship management

The basis of every CRM solution is a solid client database. Taktika CRM provides a powerful management of client and institution database

  • Centralized access to all contacts in real time
  • A single customer database for all modules
  • Client classification
  • Mailing lists
  • Overview of visits and investments by client and institution
  • Hierarchical visualization of interconnectivity (hospital, department, physician)
  • Geographical map of client locations

Visit planning and reporting

This module provides a suggestion for “clients to visit” and thus helps optimizing the activities of medical representatives. You can easily:

  • Visit planning management
  • Update a calendar of activities
  • Report to managers on visits realization

Brand Management

In facilitating the contact between medical representatives and their clients, an important part of Taktika CRM are Product Database and Knowledge Database. Brand management allows you to:

  • Monitor the promotion of products and brands
  • Store marketing information about products and brands
  • Manage products using Knowledge Database with answers to frequently asked questions
  • Create and monitor groups of brands

Campaign management

In order to facilitate the integration of field activities and office processes, and improve market segmentation and targeting when introducing a new product, you can use our Campaign management module with which you can:

  • Create a promotional campaign that will help you target customers by numerous criteria
  • Define promotion channels
  • Monitor planned vs actual costs for promotional campaigns
  • Monitor marketing investments

Sales teritory management

In order to achieve a more efficient sales force management, using our tools you can easily organize client segmentation for medical representatives and monitor the results.


pTaktika is a presentation module designed for tablets. It integrates office marketing activities and medical representatives work on the field, and allow the use of tablet as an effective presentation tool.

he basic functionalities of pTaktika are:

  • Easy access to all medical studies and marketing materials, for presenting these materials to the clients or for internal assistant training
  • Materials can be presented through various media formats: images, presentations or video / sound
  • SvPresentation material can be classified by brands, groups or teams
  • Taktika reports presentation of each material to the client. Presentation materials can also be sent directly to the client via email using the application
  • Medical representative can note presentation comments obtained from the client during the presentation. These notes are sent to marketing and product managers, and remain registered in the CRM.

Travel expenses

A travel order is a legal document for the company’s employee on a business trip outside the place of residence. This document must contain the following elements:

  • Travel order (authorising the employee’s business trip; has to be written and approved before departure)
  • Calculation of travel expenses
  • Report on the completed business trip.

Taktika travel orders module:

  • Provides a tool that ensures control and reduces errors in completing travel expenses
  • Shortens the time required for fulfilment of travel expenses, since the system automatically collect the reports on business trips from the CRM visits and allows the entry of vehicle mileage data using the mobile interface.

Joint visits

One of the manager’s tasks in pharmaceutical companies is to provide joint visits together with medical representatives for the purpose of training, increasing the sales and improving business relationships with the clients.

The joint visit module contains:

  • Definition of KPI templates and rating scales
  • Evaluation of medical representatives work
  • TO DO personal improvement list for medical representatives
  • Analysis of medical representative’s progress in relation to the set KPIs

The mobile double visits module allows the manager and the medical representative to complete the evaluation form after a joint visit.

Analyses of visits and investments

A flexible Business intelligence module that calculate the total investment for the individual client and each product to compare the results with available sales data.

This module allows you to:

  • Monitor the analysis of realized visits and investments (with drill down capabilities to the level of medical representative, associate team, territory or the institution).
  • Analyse the frequency curve of client visits for medical representatives
  • Compare planned vs realized visits
  • Monitor the medical representative’s performance (the number of fieldwork days, daily visits, visits per groups of clients)

The Croatian health insurance fund reporting

By signing the Agreement on ethical promotion of medicals with the Croatian Health Insurance Fund, the pharmaceutical companies are obliged to submit electronic quarterly detailed reports for all the costs of promoting their medicines.
Taktika provides tool that will make this requirement easy to fulfil.


Sales module is a business intelligence system derived from the requirements of the pharmaceutical market to provide sales representatives and all levels of management easy access to detailed information about the sales of company’s products.

Sales module loads data from wholesalers in Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia and Ukraine and displays them in business intelligence interface accessible via web or mobile interfaces.

Sales analyses

With the help of Sales analyses you can connect representatives with product and institution sales data.

Predefined analyses include:

  • Sales per point of sale (pharmacy, hospital)
  • Sales per medical representative
  • Sales per territory (county, region, bricks)
  • Sales per product, brand, business unit
  • Weekly sales reports
  • Parallel reports with different price types (CIP price, discounted price etc.)


Taktika ordering module is native Android application which provides the medical representative or KAM with a simple and efficient way to promote special offers and collect orders during the visit to pharmacies. Orders are automatically forwarded to the wholesaler. The system allows monitoring of realized orders per representative and per special offers.

Sales conditions tool

Sales conditions tool automates the complete procedure of commercial agreements with the pharmacies.

  • Negotiating and defining the agreement terms and sales conditions
  • Calculations for finished sales deals


Planning module allows sales planning and analysis. The distribution of the annual plan over months can be automated based on the product sales seasonality in the previous period. Planning module is a basis for calculating bonuses for the personnel.

Targeting of the sales plan can be prepared:

  • Naturally and financially
  • For different periods (monthly, quarterly or annually)
  • For representative, different levels of territory and product level
  • Sales vs target analysis through business intelligence interface with drill down to detailed levels


Tenders module enables you to control and analyse the bids for tenders issued by hospitals.